Hike Strong. Hike Hydrated.

June 29, 2022

It’s a perfect day for a hike. But before you lace up the boots and hit the trail, be sure your body is ready to perform – and keep performing – its best by hydrating before you go and staying hydrated mile after mile. Whether you choose an electrolyte packed sports drink, water, or a combination of both, adults should plan on drinking about 2 cups each hour, or 1-2 cups an hour for children. Weather, intensity, and personal thirstiness can add to this number, but it’s a good starting point to keep in mind when you’re packing for the day.

Some good hydration tips include:

Start right. 

Drink a cup or two before you take those first steps on the trail. You’ll feel better and hike more efficiently.

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.

Feeling thirsty is your body’s way of telling you it’s dehydrated. To keep it performing its best, replenish with fluids as you go, adjusting your intake depending on the intensity of the hike, weather, and your body’s needs.

Finish strong.

Keep drinking even after the hike is done. It’s easy to underestimate your body’s needs, so it’s best to drink more than you think is necessary to replenish the water and electrolytes lost along the way.

Be prepared.

If you or someone you’re hiking with becomes dehydrated, it’s always a good plan to have a backup plan. A few things you can pack that will help keep yourself and your hiking partners safe in case of an emergency include oral hydration salts to help your body absorb fluids more effectively, and a compact water filter so you can safely rehydrate from backcountry water sources without fear of viruses, bacteria or parasites.

Have a great hike.

Our bodies are made up of about 60% water. Proper hydration is an essential part of our everyday lifestyle, affecting everything from our weight and energy levels, to flushing toxins. It’s even more important during periods of exertion. So make this season a safer season when you plan your next hike with the hydration you need to feel your best in the backcountry.

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