Fire Facts: The Sources We Use To Support Our Stories.

February 17, 2020

Lieutenant Rob Nese.

In our very first member profile, Lieutenant Rob Nese shared a story about how his firefighter grandfather used to listen on a police scanner to “follow” local emergencies. Following the story on a scanner helped to build a fascination with fire service that laid the groundwork for Rob’s eventual calling in life—as a full time equipment technician and proud, veteran volunteer for the Alpha Fire Company. When we bring you a story, you’ll often see links of interest and interactive connections to source material that amplifies, supports or explains the story at hand. Sometimes we link to other areas of our site to provide logical ways for readers to learn more—other times we use external sources to share more pertinent information.

The Internet: Modern-day Equivalent of the Police Scanner.

There’s an entire universe of information out there in an ocean of data related to fire service, fire safety and the craft and calling of emergency response. These sources (like so many of our volunteers) live and breathe firefighting. We thought we’d share some of the sources we use to tell stories that fan the flames of interest in firefighting. National Fire Protection Association: Officially speaking: The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a global self-funded nonprofit organization, established in 1896, devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. NFPA delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering our mission. Our mission is to help save lives and reduce loss with information, knowledge and passion. What we think: This is an information clearinghouse on fire and emergency response issues that matter—and the standards being set (and meticulously reviewed) to improve them for all first responders. Thorough, organized, choked full of information and resources, NFPA is a go-to for the Alpha blog year-round. Fire Rescue 1:    Officially Speaking: Our mission at FireRescue1 is to provide firefighters with the information and resources they need to better protect their communities and come home safe. We do this by delivering a trusted and reliable online environment for the exchange of information between firefighters and departments across the US and from around the world. It’s our focus on this mission that has made the FireRescue1 network the top online resource for the fire service. What we think: If the national expanse of firefighting stories, information and support were a movie, this website would be the equivalent of the must-have snacks you enjoy while watching it. We cannot adequately explain the volume of information and stories here—only that we gobble it all up. (And even subscribe to their newsletter). Pennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute Officially Speaking: The PFESI educational, non-profit association of emergency service organizations, emergency responders, industry and public service professionals who research, exchange information, and cultivate relationships among constituents about the issues affecting emergency response and life safety issues in Pennsylvania. What we think: The PFSEI is part advocacy organization, part educator and part watchdog for the interests of fire services and emergency response in Pennsylvania. Be sure to check out our interview and profile of their Executive Director, Jerry Ozog.

There’s More Where These Came From.

Month to month, we comb available sources to support our stories, however we hope these primary information links we use do more than amplify our stories. We hope they demonstrate the same indescribable curiosity Rob Nese had as a boy, and perhaps provide that igniting spark to a potential recruit that becomes an interest in, and then a passion for, volunteer firefighting and fire police participation.
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