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Feel the burn? Heal the burn.

July 14, 2022

Summer is often the season of burns. But the sun isn’t the only cause of concern. This is also the time of year we’re grilling, building outdoor fires, roasting marshmallows, making mountain pies, lighting tiki torches and surrounding ourselves with countless flames and heated surfaces. And that can lead to minor burns when skin gets too close.

Most minor burns can be treated safely at home with a few simple steps to help relieve pain, ensure protection from infection, and promote proper healing. 

Start by soothing the burned area by placing it under cool running water or applying a cool, wet compress until the pain eases. Avoid using cold water or ice, which can further damage the tissue.

If you have rings, bracelets or other tight jewelry on the affected area, remove them as quickly and gently as possible before swelling begins.

When blisters form, don’t break them. Blisters actually help protect against infection. If a fluid-filled blister does break, clean the area with water and apply an antibiotic ointment. 

Once the burn completely cools, cover the area with a lotion like aloe vera or a moisturizer to provide relief and prevent the skin from drying. 

Covering the burn with a loosely wrapped sterile gauze bandage helps limit the exposure to air, reduces pain and protects blistered skin while it heals. Be sure to keep the bandage loose to avoid putting pressure on the burned skin.

To help relieve pain, stock up on over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or acetaminophen. All are available at your local drug store and your pharmacist can help you choose the best for your needs.

If your tetanus booster isn’t up to date, it’s a good idea to get one and get a new one every 10 years.

Once your burn has healed, continue to use moisturizer and sunscreen to add an important layer of protection.

For more serious burns, seek professional help immediately from your local fire department, hospital or emergency center.

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