Alpha Volunteer Fire Company Member Profile: Colin Meyer

June 5, 2020

Growing up, Rescue Lieutenant Colin Meyer always had a fascination with firefighting and fire service, but didn’t have the opportunity to pursue that interest until coming to State College for school several years ago.  As you will see from his profile, it’s a decision so profound that it has created a desire for Colin to become a career firefighter as soon as possible.

Colin Meyer: Rescue Lieutenant
Certifications: Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, Hazmat Operations, Vehicle Rescue Technician, EMT-B
Education: Penn State University, B.S. Security Risk Analysis
Current Job: Intern (summer) at the Centre Region Fire Protection Program
Alpha Since: January of 2017

Tell us a little about you, where you’re from, your family.
I am originally from Columbia, Maryland where I was born and raised. I decided to go to Penn State, University Park for my undergrad four years ago–that is when I moved to State College. In 2018 at the beginning of the spring semester of my sophomore year, I moved into Alpha becoming part of their live-in program. I recently graduated so for now? This is my home.

Why did you become an Alpha?
I became an Alpha, due to my lifelong interest in the fire service. I always had a childhood aspiration to become a firefighter, but in my high school years I did not have the opportunity to join a volunteer department. When I came to Penn State, I found that opportunity through Alpha and the rest is history. 

Tell us more about your day job?
I am currently interning this summer with Centre Region Fire Protection Program under the Fire Director Steve Bair while searching for full time employment as a career firefighter.

What do you like best about firefighting, the community, the company, and actually being an Alpha Volunteer?

I like being a part of firefighting because it is a challenge and you develop a special bond with those people you run calls with. It is both physically and mentally challenging, and it forces you outside of your comfort zone. It is an ever-changing environment and no call is the same. It has taught me a lot of skills that I will use for the rest of my life.

Being a part of Alpha has allowed me to expand my horizons. Almost every day I have the opportunity to give back to the community–whether that means going on calls for service, public education, or training with other volunteers. Alpha allows me to give to something greater than myself and it is extremely fulfilling.

Alpha is, in essence, one big family and we are all there for each other. I have made lifelong friends through this organization that I would have never met otherwise.

What one piece of advice would you have for someone thinking about becoming an Alpha?
If you are thinking about joining, come to the main station and interact with us, we’ll give you a tour, answer any questions, and you can even do a ride along.

Then if you decide to join? Come in with an open mind. Being an Alpha volunteer requires hard work and a lot of dedication, but when you make it to the end of your training and start applying that training to real situations, it will be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life.

What one thing would you like people to know about the Alphas and about volunteer firefighting they might not understand?
That we are a completely volunteer organization — meaning that our members, officers, and executives are all people who have full time jobs or are a full-time student outside of the fire company.

We provide 24/7, 365 days a year emergency service to State College and the surrounding area. At first glance?  I am sure this seems like a daunting task, but it is a great opportunity for anyone, and you will surely get as much out of it as you put in.

Quick Sparks—Colin’s Favorite …

Movie:  End of Watch
Book: Ranger’s Apprentice Series — John Flanagan
Color:  Blue
Food:  Chick-fil-A
Equipment: Rescue 5
Season:  Summer
Hobby:  Surfing, Backpacking
Teams: Pittsburgh Steelers, Nittany Lions

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